Thursday, December 5, 2013

Not A Finished Project But The Start Of One

After mulling an idea around in my brain for a few days, a conversation with an artist friend of mine prompted me to pursue it and shared it with my readers. My friend stated that she had signed up to go on an artists workshop to Ireland.

My husband's and my dream is to go to Israel. If you're reading this blog this comes as no surprise. I'd love to go to Ireland with my friend and paint but Israel is my obvious first choice. However, Yahweh has not opened the necessary doors to us yet so we continue to learn His ways and unlearn ours.

Now on to my idea. While we're waiting for that day to come, I want to learn everything I can about the land, the history, the people, etc. So I thought why not start a journal just for that purpose.

I could explore various themes with my journal before I get there. And with the internet one can acquire volumes of information just by engaging the search engines. The whole idea came about because of an invitaton from Pinterest to set up a travel category so one can plan a trip. What a great idea I thought! If you haven't set up a Pinterest account you are missing out on a great deal of information about many subject matters.

The hardest part of my project will be to organize my material. So...back to my computer. I will log my links and material and decide what to highlight to enter into my journal. And, of course, I want to make some artwork based on my research. Maybe I'll keep a separate journal just for that artwork.
 I promise I'll share my journal here with each page I complete.

Blessings to you dear ones.

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