Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Bookbinding And The Amidah Prayer

I have a booklet with the Amidah prayer. The booklet gets a lot of use and is wearing out. So I decided to make a new booklet. I made my cover design and constructed the booklet. All that is left is to write the prayer in the book.

I researched some bookbinding videos on YouTube and found a good one to share with you that I found suitable for my project. This YouTube channel has other bookbinding techniques also.
It was fun to make, something I had never attempted before. However I need to work on my stitching technique and I plan to add other books of prayers to my 'collection'. 

There are numerous versions of the Amidah prayer (recited three times a day...the 3rd hour, the 6th hour and the 9th hour). One version is located on the Hebrew for Christians site http://www.hebrew4christians.com/Prayers/Daily_Prayers/Shemoneh_Esrei/shemoneh_esrei.html

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